Friday 12 January 2018



Once a girl becomes an adult, it is necessary for the parents
to arrange for her marriage. When arranging for her marriage,
be sure to choose a husband for her, who is a Sunni Sahihul
Aqida and not
and non-mazhab (wahabi, shi’ite etc).
Find someone who is a religious person, and one who is
Remember that Nikah is the Sunnah of the Prophet
(sallallaho alaih wasallam) and a means of gaining piety and
being protected from evil.
Almighty Allah has made man the Guardian over the wife. It
is for this reason, that it is compulsory upon the wife to be
obedient to her husband.
Remember, that to please the husband is a great Ibaadat,
and to disrespect him and be disobedient to him is a sin.
The status of the husband is very exalted.
The Holy Prophet (sallallaho alaih wasallam) says,
"If I had to command sajdah (prostration) for anyone but
Allah, then I would have commanded the women to make
sajdah to their husbands."
(Mishkaat Shareef Vol.2 Pg.281)
The Holy Prophet (sallallaho alaih wasallam) also says,
"That woman who passes away from this world in this way,
that her husband was pleased with her, then she will enter
into Jannat."
1. The wife should not leave the home to go anywhere
without the permission of her husband.
2. In the absence of the husband, the wife should not give
any belongings of her husband to any person.
In his absence, it is an obligation upon her to protect all his
belongings, and without his permission, she should not allow
any person into the home.
3. A women should never do any such action that will cause
the husband to become upset.
4. To care and educate the children in the absence of the
husband is also a great duty for her.
5. It is necessary for her to keep herself pure and clean at all
times, always dressing neatly and looking presentable, so
that her husband may be pleased when he looks at her.
6. It is necessary for every wife to understand the manner
and habits of her husband, in other words, to know his likes
and dislikes and not to act contrary to these.
7. It is from her duties not to become angry when he says
anything to her and not to argue or backtalk with him. Rather
she should comfort and calm him if he is upset.
8. She should not be demanding and should try her best to
live in accordance with his income and not beyond his
means. She should not be wasteful with his wealth.
9. As long as her in laws are alive, it is necessary for her to
respect them. Never disappoint your husband’s parents.
Follow On Instagram @faizan_alhusaini

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