Friday 12 January 2018

Rights And Duties Of Husband Towards His Wife In Islam

TOPIC: Rights And Duties Of Husband Towards His Wife InIslam

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran:
There are rights of the husband upon the wife just as there
are rights of the wife upon the husband, with kindness.
The Holy Prophet says:
The best amongst you are those who are kind towards their
wives. (Mishkaat Shareef Vol 2 Page 280)
It is also in the Hadith:
"No believing man should harbor any hatred and ill feeling for
any believing women, for if any of hers actions seem bad,
then there are also those things in her which are good."
(Mishkaat Vol 2 page 280)
This Hadith means, that if a wife has some shortcomings in
her, then it does mean that everything about her is not good.
She definitely has some good qualities as well. The husband
should thus praise her good qualities and try to rectify her
1. It is an obligation upon every husband, to provide for her
food, clothes, house and all other provisions. One must
always think that she is a servant of Allah in my Nikah, and
she has left her parents and everything else for me. She
should thus be properly taken care of.
2. It is also necessary for the husband to fulfill his right as
the husband towards his wife, in the sense of satisfying her
womanly desires, so that she does not turn towards sin and
This Thus means that the husband should not stay away
from his wife for lengthy periods of time.
3. A man should not separate his bed from his wife without
reason. Yes, if she acts contrary to his command or against
the Islamic law, then he may do so. This however, should not
be to cause her pain and torment, but to allow her to realise
her wrong doing. It is in the books of Law, that a husband
may warn his wife (punish her) by separating his bed etc.

if :
(a). She refuses to dress neatly and beautify herself for him
(b). Her husband desires her and she refuses without valid
(c). She does not take Ghusl after intimacy or after her
menstrual periods etc.
(d). She leaves Namaaz or any other fardh Ibaadat without
valid reason. .
5. A man should never look at another woman with bad
intention and should never praise the beauty of other women
to his wife, and no wife should praise the beauty of another
man to her husband.
6. The husband must correct the mistakes of his wife and if
she does not accept, then he may be strict.
7. When going on a journey, the husband should inform his
wife, and meet her with great love and comfort her before he
leaves on a journey.
8. When the wife cooks him a meal, he should not criticize
what she has made, but should eat it to please her. If there
is something that he does not like he should tell her with
great love and not mock or hurt her feelings.
9. If she becomes ill, then it is necessary for him to care and
comfort her, so that she feels that he loves and cares for
10. He should have full faith and trust in his wife and she
should have the same faith and trust in him. Both should not
put false accusations on one another, as this leads to the
breakup of the marriage and is a sinful act. The husband
should also always be clean and dress well when with his
wife. He should not embarrass her or shout and threaten her
in the presence of others.
11. The husband should not shout at and scold his wife for
petty issues and neither should the wife pick on him over
petty issues.
12. If there is any dispute between the husband and the wife,
they should try to resolve this by themselves with
understanding, and if it is not resolved, then it should be put
before the elders for . A man should never be hasty in giving
Talaaq to his wife. He should let his anger subside before he
makes any irrational decisions and then think with a calm
mind. The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said,
amongst those things which are Halaal, the one most disliked by Allah is Talaaq.
(Abu Dawood Vol 1 page 303)
13. If a person has more than one wife (not more than four),
then he must be just with all of them and care for them
equally. To take care of one and neglect the others is a sin.

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