Saturday 21 February 2015



  • Difa-e-Kanzul Iman
  • Fazail Syeduna Siddiq-e-Akbar
  • Tie ka Masla
  • Hijrat-e-Rasool
  • Asaar-e-Qayamat
  • Safeena-e-Bakhshish
  • Al Haq ul Mubeen (arabic)
  • TV Video ka Sharai Operation
  • Tasweeron ka Sharai Hukm
  • Fazeelat-e-Nasab (Urdu Tarjuma)
  • Hazrat Ibrahim ke walid Tarikh ya Aazar
  • Aik ahm Fatwa
  • Maraat un Najdiyah Aljawabul Barailwia
  • Sharah Hadees-e-Niyat
  • Teen Talaq ka Sharai hukm
  • Suno aur chup raho
  • Kia Muhim puri ho chuki
  • Wajh-e-Tasmiya Isma-e-Surah-e-Fatiha
  • Jashn-e-Eid Meelad un Nabi
  • Al Mu'taqid al Muntaqid (Urdu Tarjuma)
  • Barakaat ul Imdad (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Shumool ul Islam (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Al Atayal Qadeer (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Taiseer ul Ma'oon (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Ahlaak ul Wahabiyeen (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Fiqahi Shahanshah (Arabi Tarjuma)
  • Sharah Hadees e Niyat (Arabi and Urdu)
  • Aqeeda ul Shuhda Sharah Qaseeda til Burda (Arabi Hashia)
  • Hashia tul Sahih al Bukhari (Arabi)
  • Azhar ul Fatawa (2 hisse English)
  • Azhar ul Fatawa (5 jilden Urdu)
  • Sharha Hadees-e-Ikhlas
N.B. Not an updated list.
"Subhan al-Subbuh an Ayb Kadhib Maqbuh"

Sayyidi Taj al-Shari'ah, Mufti Akhtar Rida al-Bareillwi (may Allah lengthen his shadow upon us) has completed the translation of Ala Hadrat's stunning opus, "Subhan al-Subbuh an Ayb Kadhib Maqbuh" into Arabic.

Shaykh Munawwar Ateeq Razvi (Birmingham) writes:
"In the science of Asma wa-Sifat, the Shaykh is currently dictating the translation to Imam Ahmad Riza Khan’s 'Subhan al-Subbuh an Ayb Kadhib Maqbuh' into Arabic. I sat in one awe-filling majalis to listen to the Shaykh’s mastery in the subject and translation of the text. This will be the largest known work on establishing the sifah of truth (sidq) for Allah Most Sublime and refuting the view of Imkan al-Kadhib. It shall shatter - by the aid of the Most Truthful - the Deobandi stance in Arabic when released. The work is a masterpiece in Asma wa-Sifat containing a wealth of rational and transmitted proofs. The translation is near completion, wal-hamdulillah. None other than an expert can embark such a task."
The good news has reached us that the translation has been completed and is currently under review.

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