Thursday 14 April 2016

5 RAJAB UL MURAJAB Wisaal Sayyedna Hazrat Imam Moosa Kaazim (Radi Allah Ta'ala Anh)

Sayyedna Hazrat Imam Moosa Kaazim (radi allahu anh)

HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Hadrat Sayyiduna Imam Moosa Kaazim Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu is the Seventh Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Ridawiyah Nooriyah. He was a great Aalim and is a Wali-e-Kaamil.

BIRTH: He was born in Abwa Sharif (between Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah Munawwarah), on a Sunday, either on the 7th or the 10th of Safar, 128 Hijri.[Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 225]

NAME: His name was Moosa, and he was also known as Saami, Abul Hassan and Abu Ibrahim. His titles were Saabir, Saaleh, Ameen and Kaazim.

HIS PARENTS: His father was Hadrat Imam Jaafar Saadiq and his mother was Umm-e-Wulad Bibi Hameeda Radi Allahu Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een .

HIS FEATURES: He was of good height, and very handsome. He was tan in complexion and some have said that he was not very fair in complexion. [Anwaar-e-Sufiyah, Page 92]

SHAYKH-E-TARIQAT: He is the mureed and Khalifa of his father, Hadrat Imam Jaafar as-Saadiq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu.

HIS EXCELLENCE: Hadrat Moosa Kaazim was such a blessed personality, that whomsoever took his name as a wasila, they found that all their duas were accepted. It is for this reason, that the people of Iraq referred to him as Baabul Hawaa'ij (The Door at which all their problems were answered).

Hadrat Imam Shafi'i Radi Allahu Anhu says that


The Mazaar Shareef of Imam Moosa Kaazim is a great means of acceptance.

Hadrat Imam Jaafar as-Saadiq Radi Allahu Anhu says,


"From all of my children, the most exalted is Moosa Kaazim. He is a pearl from amongst the pearls (treasures) of Allah."

He was an Aabid and Zaahid, and spent his days keeping fast, and his nights in the ibaadat of Allah. He was also known as Abdus Saaleh, due to the lengthy nights that he used to spend in the Ibaadat of Almighty Allah. He was known as Kaazim (one who drinks his anger), due to his humility and simplicity. He was also very generous and kind. He would go out in search of the needy in Madinah Munawwarah, and would then send people to distribute money to them in the darkness of night, and none would know from where they had received the money. He never turned any supplicant away at any time. He always fulfilled the needs of those who asked his assistance. Whenever he met any person, he would be first in making Salam. If someone spoke against him or tried to harm him, then he even took care of that person by sending him money and treating him kindly. [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Vol. 1, Page 226]

Hadrat Shafeeq Balkhi who was a contemporary of Imam Moosa Kaazim says,


"On my way to Hajj in 149 Hijri, I stopped over at a town called Qaadisiya. I was looking at the behaviour and the manner of the people living there, when my sight fell upon a very handsome young man, who was wearing a Suf (blended cotton fabric) cloth over his clothes, and a pair of shoes. He sat away from the rest of the people. I began to think that he was a Sufi kind of person and wanted to be an obstacle in the way of the people. I thus went towards him to give him some advice. When he saw me coming towards him. He called my name and told me exactly what I was thinking. I then thought in my heart, that this is definitely a pious man, as he does not even know me, yet he called me by my name and said what was in my heart. I felt that I should meet with him and ask his forgiveness. I rushed to find him, but he had already gone away. I searched for a very long time, but could not find him. We stopped at a place called Fida during our journey, and again I saw him. He was in namaaz, and he was trembling and weeping. I walked towards him again, with the intention of asking him to forgive me, when he said, "O Shafeeq Read! Verily I am Compassionate towards him who repented and brought faith and did good deeds and then walked the straight path." He read this verse, and then walked away. I then began to think that he was from amongst the Abdaals (a station of Wilaayat), for he has read my heart twice already. Then we went to Mina, and I saw him again. He was standing at a well, with a huge bowl in his hand. He was intending to take some water. Then all of a sudden the bowl fell from his hands into the well. When this happened, he recited the following couplet: 'You are my Sustainer, when I am thirsty for water, and You are my strength when I intend to eat.' He then said, 'O Allah! O my Creator! O my Lord! You know that with the exception of this bowl, I have nothing else. Do not deprive me of this bowl.' By Allah, I saw that the water in the well reached the top of the well and he stretched out his hand and filled his bowl with water. He then performed wudhu and read four rakaats of Namaaz. After Namaaz, he filled sand into his bowl of water and began to stir it. He then began to drink the mixture of sand and water. I went close to him and said salaam. He returned my salaam. I then asked if he would bless me with some of the blessings which he has attained. He said, 'O Shafeeq! My Lord has always bestowed his hidden and apparent bounties upon me, so always intend good from your Lord.' He then handed his bowl over to me. When I drank out of it, By Allah it was a sweet drink, and never have I tasted something so delicious. The barkat of that meal was such, that I did not feel any hunger and thirst for may days. Then I did not see him until we entered Makkah Mukarramah. I again saw him late one night near the well of Zamzam, reading Namaaz, weeping and trembling. After his Namaaz he sat there for a long time and read tasbeeh. He then read his Fajr Salaah and went to the Haram to perform the Tawaaf. As he left the Haram, I followed him, but I was amazed to see him in a completely different situation to which I had seen him during our journey. I saw his friends, disciples and servants all around him. They sealed of the entire area around him as he arrived and they began to make his khidmat. Each one of them were making salaam to him with great love and respect. On seeing this, I asked one person, 'Who is this young man?' He said, 'he is Moosa bin Jaafar bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Taalib.' [Jaami' al-Manaaqib, Page 226/230]
KARAAMATS: Imam Moosa Kaazim performed many miracles. A few of his miracles are quoted below for us to attain barakaat.

KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN: Ishaaq bin Amaar says, that when Imam Moosa Kaazim was imprisoned, then the Saahibain of Imam Abu Hanifa, namely Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad bin Hassan (Ridwaanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) went to meet with him, so that they ask him some important questions. Whilst they were seated with him, a prison guard came to him and said, 'I am now about to complete my duty and I am on my way home. If there is anything you need, please let me know, so that I may arrange it for you tomorrow when I return.' Hadrat Moosa Kaazim looked at him and said, 'There is nothing I need. All is well.' As he left, Imam Moosa Kaazim said, 'I am amazed by him, that he wants to know if there is anything that he can do for me tomorrow, whereas tonight he will pass away.' When Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad (Ridwaanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een) heard this, they said, 'We came here to learn about some laws relating to fard and sunnahs and he discusses Ilm-e- Ghaib (Knowledge of the Unseen).' Both of them, then sent a man to follow the prison guard to see the outcome of what Imam Moosa Kaazim said. The man sat outside the house of the prison guard, as he was instructed. When he heard the sounds of weeping and screaming, he enquired as to what had happened. The people of the house informed him that the guard had passed away. When this message reached Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad (radi Allahu anhum), they were astonished. [Tashreef al-Bashar, Page 84]

HIS FORESIGHT: Esa Mada'ini says that he worked for a year in Makkah Mukarramah and then decided to spend a year in Madinatul Munawwarah as he felt that this would be a means of achieving many blessings. He arrived in Madinatul Munawwarah and often visited Imam Moosa Kaazim whilst he was there. One day whilst he was seated in the presence of Hadrat Moosa Kaazim, the Imam looked at him and said, "O Esa! Go and see, your house has collapsed over all your belongings." Esa Mada'ini immediately rushed home and found that his house had collapsed over all his belongings. He quickly employed a man that was passing by to remove all his belongings from the house. He then realised that his jug was missing. The following day, he went to meet Hadrat Moosa Kaazim who said, "O Esa! Did you lose anything when your house collapsed. If so, let me know, so that I may make dua and Allah shall bless you with something better in its place." Esa Mada'ini answered that everything was found except a jug. Hadrat then lowered his head for a while and then raised his head and said, “You removed it from the house before it collapsed and you have forgotten about where you left it. Go to the maid of the house and ask her to give the jug to you.” He did this, and found that the maid handed over the lost jug to him. [Masaalik as-Saalikeen, Page 83]

HIS CHILDREN: Almighty Allah had blessed Imam Moosa Kaazim with many children. The names of his children are as follows:

Sons: Hadrat Ali Raza, Zaid, Aqeel, Haaroon, Hassan, Hussain, Abdullah, Abdur Rahmaan, Ismaeel, Ishaaq, Yahya, Ahmad, Abu Bakr, Muhammad, Akbar, Jaafar  Akbar, Jaafar Asghar, Hamza, Abbas, Qaasim

Daughters: Bibi Khadija, Asmaul Akbar, Asmaul Asghar, Faatimatul Kubra, Faatimatus Sughra, Zainab Kubra, Zainab Sughra, Umme Kulthoom Kubra, Umme Fardah, Umme Abdullah, Ummul Qaasim, Aaminah, Hakeema, Mahmooda, Imaama, Maimoona (Ridwaanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een).

HIS KHULAFA: The names of all his Khulafa can not be found, but His two well-known khulafa are being mentioned:

1. Hadrat Shaykh Ali Raza
2. Hadrat Shaykh Matlibi [Anwaar-e-Sufiyah, Page 93]

WISAAL: He commanded one of his servants to be the administrator of his funeral arrangements. Hadrat Sayyiduna Moosa Kaazim was poisoned by his enemies. He passed away on either the 5th or 25th of Rajab, 183 Hijri on a Friday, at the age of 55.

MAZAAR SHAREEF: His Mazaar Shareef is in a place called Kaazmeen (Kadhimiyah) in Iraq.

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