Thursday 31 March 2016

The Superiority of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)

The Superiority of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)


In which Aayaats of the Quran is stated that Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is superior than all the Prophets and all the creations? 


It is clear from so many verses of the Holy Quran. Hereby I would like to content with some verses of the Holy Quran. Hereby I would like to content with some verses of the Holy Quran wherein the supremacy and the preference of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has been declared very clearly. Allah says:

These are the Prophets. We have preferred some of them above others. Among them one is that Allah spoke to him and Allah has made the ranks of one of them above all. (Sura 2: Verse 253)

All Ulema unanimously state that the person Allah mentioned about him that he has made his ranks higher than all is our Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). This was a first evidence, which clarifies the preference of Holy Prophet Muhammad(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). 

The second one is as follows: Allah states in His Holy Quran: 

i.e. 0 Rasul recall the occasion when Allah made an agreement with his previous Prophets, if I grant You a Divine Book and sageness (Hikmat) then a Rasul comes to you certifying whatever you have obtained from Me, you have to believe him. 
(Sura 3: Verse 81)

Hence, you can know clearly that Allah has never granted prophecy to anybody unless he believed our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). So this Ayate Karima is significant and an indication from which one can know that our Prophet is the Messenger for all, whether they are Prophets or followers. 

Now, I am offering the third evidence, which is as follows:

Allah says: Ayate Durood: 
No doubt Allah and His Angels praise the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and convey the Salutations to him, 0 Believers send Durood and pay a lot of Salutations (Salaam) to the Holy Prophet. (Sura 33: Verse 56)

Allama Jalaluddin Sayyuti (alaihir Rahma) has derived from this verse that the prophecy of our Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is quite absolute and it is comprising all even the Angels of Almighty Allah. 

Hence, Aala Hazrat (alaihir Rahma) says in his Naat:

Should I ask Ambiya Kiraam
O my esteemed Ambiya is our Messenger for you?
Ambiya replied: As Almighty is One for all, similarly our Nabi and
your Nabi and everyone's Nabi is one. 

Further Aala Hazrat (alaihir Rahma) says: 
The favourites of Allah are superior than whole universe and the Prophets are more virtuous that Awliya and our Nabi is most preferred than the Prophets.

Whoever requires more details in this regard he must go over the book "Tajallil Yakeen", writer - Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilly (radi Allahu anho). 

Mohammad Akhtar Raza Khan Qadiri Azhari
19 Safar 1421 Hijri
24 May 2000

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