Saturday 21 March 2015

Imam Ahmad Raza and Hadaaiq e Bakhshish Part 3

Imam Ahmad Raza and Hadaaiq e Bakhshish Part 3

This objection is also raised against Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Allah’s mercy be upon him) that he made himself appear like a great lover of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) but at the same time said some disrespectful and shameless stanzas about the Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqah (May Allah be pleased with her).
This is a grave false accusation. Some other person’s mistake in the order (of stanzas) is unjustly related towards Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, while this (Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3) was published after his passing away. The one who did mistake in the order (of those stanzas) has repented from his mistake, the correct order was then printed later on, but those ignorant who are free from the fear of Allah they only have to produce disturbance and mischief.
Book of Naatia Poetry (Poems in the praise of Holy Prophet Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) written by Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi i.e Hadaaiq e Bakhshish consists of two parts, these were compiled and published on year 1325 Hijri (1907 AD), Imam Ahmad Raza passed away on Safr 1340 Hijri (1921 AD). After two year of death Maulana Mahboob Ali Qadri Lakhnowi collected some of his (other) poems from different sources and published this compilation by the name of Hadaaiq e Bakhshish, for the publication he gave his compilation to Masooda Naabhah Steam Press, Naabha (State Patiala, India), the press then composed his compilation and published it.
The composer was a Bad-Mazhab (hypocrite), he intentionally or unintentionally interchanged some of those stanzas towards Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqa (May Allah be please with her) which were actually written about Mushrikah (polytheists woman) like Umm e Zaraa’ etc. The detail about those women can be seen in the books of Ahadith like MuslimTirmidhiNasaai etc.
32 years after the publication of this book, on 1374 Hijri (1955 AD) full propaganda by Deobandis was launched that since Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan disrespected Hazrat Ummul Mumineen (may Allah be pleased with her) which was why he should be expelled from Sunni Jama’ Masjid in Mumbai.
Mufti e Azam e Hind Shah Mustafa Raza Khan Noori (May Allah be please with him) writes:
“As far as I know, probably Kazim Ali Deobandi mentioned this matter in his speech in Kaanpur and tried to up bring mischief, later (he spread this mischief) in different places and other Wahabis too repeated it (the mischief-making)”
(Book: Faisla Muqaddasa Shara’ia Qur’aania, Page no.81, Muhammad Azeez ur Rahmaan Bahaaupuri, Publication: Markazi Majlis e Raza, Lahore 1984)

In this concern, Roznama Inqilab Mumbai played a big role in spreading this Deobandi mischief and unrest amongst people.
Disclaimer of Repentance:
In Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, Nisai and in other books of Ahadith, it is narrated by Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqah (May Allah be pleased with her) that 11 polytheist women agreed together to disclose the qualities of their husbands and would not hide anything, amongst them one was Umm e Zaraa’, who praised her husband wholeheartedly and, she said while talking about her daughter that “she is obedient to her parents, wearing sufficient flesh.
(Muslim, Vol 2, Page 288, Publication: Noor Muhammad Karachi)

In the end of this narration, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said Hazrat Aayisha (May Allah be pleased with her) “I am as merciful to you as Abu Zaraa’ was with Umme Zaraa’”.
The source from where Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan compiled that Qasida in the praise of Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqa (May Allah be pleased with her), from the same source he compiled 7 stanzas which were about the 11 polytheist women. Over those particular 7 stanzas the word Alehda (separate) was written, but the composer intentionally or unintentionally mixed those 7 stanzas into the Qasida of Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqa (May Allah be please with her) and published as tempered. When Maulana Mahboob Raza Khan Sahib got to know this, he was thinking to make the corrections in the next edition of publication and thought that the readers would also feel that these stanzas are mistakenly mixed with the Qasida. Khateeb e Mashriq Allama Mushtaq Ahmad Nizami (Allah mercy be upon him), the author of book Khoon Kay Aansu, published a passage in a weekly newspaper of Mumbai to get Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan’s attention over this mistake.
Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan Sahib didn’t have any such thoughts, so he published his repentance in monthly “Sunni” of Lakhnow on Zil Hajj1374 Hijri (1955 AD), following is the summary of the disclaimer of repentance by the words of Mufti e Azam e Delhi Maulana Mufti Mazharullah Dehlvi:

“He writes while addressing an editor of monthly Pasbaan (of Ilaahabad) that today on 9th of Zeeqa’ada 1374 Hijri (I) saw your statement about Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3 in a weekly newspapers of Mumbai, answer to that first of all this is confession the humble self regarding the mistakes and tardiness, therefore (I) ask Allah for forgiveness of these mistakes and errors, and I do Istighfaar, may Allah grant forgiveness”.

After that he mentioned the reason of happening of this error, this is its summary:
Qasida in the praise of Hazrat Syedah Aayisha Siddeeqa (May Allah be pleased with her) and the other Qasida which was about Umm e Zaraa’, written by Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Allah’s mercy be upon him), were taken and copied from an old decayed written content (source) with great caution. But since the complete Qasida of Umm e Zaraa’ was not available (from the source), so three different parts were made of those 7 stanzas of that Qasida (of Umm e Zaraa’) and over each part the word ‘Alehda’ (separate) was clearly written with a bold pen so that each part’s subject should look distinct. When (I) intended to publish Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3, due to some issues I could not do this work at my place (in Patiaala), so had to contact Chaar Naabha Steam Press” (to this point, he presents the detail of his issues, after that he continue explaining the matter).

“The person at that press put this term (for publication) that composition (of the book) would also be done here (in this press), this humble self accepted that term and handed over the matter to the press, accidentally both the composer and the owner of that press were hypocrites, intentionally or unintentionally fabrication and alteration happened from them (in this work). After many days when I got to know the errors in this book, I intended to publish the second edition (of this book) with corrections (of the errors), but Hafiz Wali Khan published (the old edition) again without letting me know (about it). I ask forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala for my mistakes, carelessness and tardiness in this matter, may He, Ghafoor and Raheem, forgive me.”
(Monthly Sunni, Page 17, Lakhnow)
(Fatawa e Mazhari, Vol 2, Page 393, Madina Publication, Karachi)

Then the following proclamation was also published:
Important announcement: “The stanzas in page 37 and page 38 of Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3 were published with incorrect order, for which this humble self had published the repentance many times; May Allah and His Messenger (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) accept my repentance, Aammeen Thumma Aammeen, and Sunni Muslims! Please forgive me for the sake of Allah and His Messenger (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)”
“This humble self has published those pages (37 and 38) with correct order. People who have the (old edition of) Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3, please take out the pages 37 and 38 and send to this humble and take the pages with correction from me and put it on your book. Those who want to return the book please send it to me and take the money back, Wassalam ‘Alal Ahlal Islam.
Faqeer Abul Zafar Muhib ur Raza Muhammad Mahboob Ali Khan Qaadiri Barakaati Rizawi Mujaddidi Lakhnowi, Address: Jamia Masjid Madanpura, Mumbai no. 8.”
(Faisla Muqaddasa Shara’ia Qur’ania, Page 31-32, Muhammad Azeez ur Rahman Bahaaupuri)

Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan had proclaimed repentance about this matter many times through speeches as well as written statements. Therefore on 10th of July 1955 his repentance was published, then it was also printed in Risala Sunni Lakhnow and daily Inqalab Mumbai.
(Raza e Mustafa, Mumbai, page 17, August 1955)

Those who State Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan, the compiler of Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3, to be responsible for the disrespect and incapable of leading prayer, they should give the same verdict on the books and their authors like Siraat e MustaqeemHifz ul ImanAl-Khatoobul Muzeebah etc, and asked them all for repentance, then their sincerity would be free of doubts and suspicion. But since Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan was not a person amongst their group, hence all the verdicts are put on him only, rest of the people (i.e. authors of the above books) were since the elders of their own group so neither their pens stated anything against them nor any verdict is published on them. Therefore it is proofed that this distress produced by the foes was not sincere.
Is the Gate of Repentance closed already?
Public announcement of repentance by Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan is much appreciative. He didn’t write any disrespectful stanza about Hazrat Ummul Mumineen nor related any towards her. Only he, due to some issues, could not offer his full concentration on the publication of the book and the stanzas were published with wrong order, still he openly made repentance and published in many pamphlets and newspapers. Instead of accepting the repentance by him and announcing their (the foes’) repentance from the scholars of Deoband and their statements in books like Hifz ul ImaanTehzeer un NaasBarahin e Qati’a etc so that Muslims would have got protected from confusion and separation, these enemies of Islam didn’t even announce their repentance (from the Deobandi scholars and books) and also didn’t accept the simple and clear-cut repentance of Maulana Mahboob Ali Khan and published huge sized notices of “repentance not accepted”, and this was done to bring up confusion in Muslim society. If they are asked as to what they are doing, they will reply saying they are doing correction of Ummah.
Monthly Raza e Mustafa Mumbai wrote:
“(Daily) Inqilaab (Mumbai) should have appreciated Maulana (Mahboob Ali), that really Maulana (Mahboob Ali) have made a history by not persisting to his mistakes, unlike Deobandis, rather he openly showed his apology and washed all his mistakes with water of repentance and entirely freed himself from lawful allegations.”
(Monthly Raza e Mustafa Mumbai, page 17, August 1955)

Faisla Muqaddasa Shara’ia Qur’ania:
Those who want more detail about this issue, they should read this pamphlet “Faisla Muqaddasa Shara’ia Qur’ania” which consists of 78 pages of Istiftaa (Shara’i questions) and their answers about this matter. In the beginning (of this pamphlet) is a fatwa by Muhaddith Azam e Hind Maulana Syedi Muhammad Ashrafi Kachochwi, after that are attestations and signatures of Ulama (scholars) followed. Research is done in this fatwa concerning the act of repentance by Maulana Mahboob Ali, that it is faithfully accepted and hence all Muslims should also accept it wholeheartedly.

Fatwa of Mufti e Azam e Delhi Maulana MazharUllah Dehlvi is on page 8 to 11 of this pamphlet, page 12 to 18 contains the fatwa of Mufti e Azam e Hind Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Raza Khan Noori, page 22 to 26 consists of second fatwa of Mufti e Azam e Delhi Maulana Mazharullah Dehlvi, page 30 to 34 are the two fatawa of Malik ul Ulama Maulana Zafar ud Din Bihari, fatwa of Maulana Abdul Baqi Burhan ul Haq Qaadiri Jabalpuri is on page 39 to 42, Mufti e Azam e Hind was given Istiftaa once again and its answer can be found on page 47 to 54. In “Faisla Muqassada Shara’ia Qur’ania”, 119 fatawa and attestations of scholars collected.

On page 53 to 54 (of the pamphlet) a Hadith is quoted from Muslim Shareef in Arabic text as well as its translation which is about the 11 polytheist disbeliever women, and finally from page 56 to 58 the stanzas of Qasida with correct order are quoted.

It is a fact that Hadaaiq e Bakhshish part 3 was compiled and published after the death of Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi, because he passed away on 1340 Hijri (1921 AD) and this part 3 was compiled on Zil Hajj 1342 (1923 AD).
Also, on the title of the same book, the following is clearly written:

“Ash-Shah Abdul Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad Raza Khan Sahib Fazil e Barelvi Radi Allahu Anh wa Rahmatullah Alaih” (meaning, May Allah be pleased with him and may Allah’s mercy be upon him)

If we look at this whole matter, while putting the bias thoughts and hatred away, the allegation of disrespect of Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aayisha Siddeeqah (May Allah be pleased with her) cannot be, in any way, applied to be done by Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi.

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